Why good isn´t good enough

Reading time: 2 minutes

Posted by Vincent Maria Klein on October 7th at 7:03am

We all know it. The fear of missing out. It´s called "FOMO" and can become a quite a distress.

The last weeks have surely been one of the biggest adventures in my life.

  • I love travelling. - We´ve already stayed in nine different accommodations at five different places.

  • I love making new friends. - We´ve met countless of lovely new people.

  • I love church. - Since we left home we´ve attended another service every Sunday.

Nevertheless I feel like I´m missing something. Experiencing all of this as well as my ambition to post high quality content on my blog every week isn´t allowing me to really calm down.

In the last couple of days I came to realize that we aren´t on this journey just to have a "good" time. We´re here to experience God.

My wife and I are still missing clarity on what comes next as soon as we arrive back home in Germany.

Therefore I will create more space to seek God and to spend more time in prayer. During this important time in our life I don´t want to stand in my own way. I want to take distractions and things that are "good" but not "God" out of the way.

This means (at least for the next month):

> I´m not gonna write or post any blog posts.

That´s somethings that is quite hard for me to do. Because it´s so much fun for me to do creative work. In addition I´m actually trying to build up continuity. They say to post constantly is vital if you want to succeed.

So putting this thing on pause is a real sacrifice. I had just began to find a rhythm.

> I´m not gonna work on my social media.

When it comes to Facebook, Twitter und Instagram I´m not relaxed anyway. It´s a daily struggle. In the future I will have to relearn this whole thing. Got to learn to show my real me, to be authentic. Because that´s really hard for me to do.

Right now this doesn´t matter. Promoting my blog posts doesn´t either. Now it´s all about God, myself and the future he has in store for me and us.

> I´m not gonna read any e-mail newsletters.

In fact I´m gonna unsubscribe from all newsletters and blogs I follow.

During the next month I have to check my inboxes for different reasons. However, I´ll bring the amount of information and inspiration down to a minimum. Three weeks of TV abstinence have been a good experience before.

Although it is important to get inspired and keep being informed I´m deterimed to ban distraction for now. To really create space.

Sidenote: The idea for the headline of this blog post I got from John Bevere. His book Good or God? is a great way to dig deeper into this topic.

What makes it hard for you to experience God on a level you actually would like to? Where are you mixing "good" stuff up with what is from God ? I´m looking forward to reading your comment.

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